This program is designed to teach safe and effective Tai Chi silk reeling therapy movements, patterns
and routines. An effective movement therapy program requires practice on a daily or very consistent
basis. The outines then become part of your day, like eating, washing, brushing teeth and sleeping.
5 week Course Agenda
Session One - February 22, 2020
Program objectives
Principles and applications of the Tai Chi Stance
Introduction to Silk Reeling
The importance of Fascia Connective Tissue
Movements 1-3, (stationary)
Session Two - February 29, 2020
Review Tai Chi Stance and Silk Reeling introduction
The importance of Fascia Connective Tissue part 2
Review movements 1-3, (stationary)
New movements 4-6, (shifting and turning)
Session Three - March 7, 2020
Review movements 4-6
Applying small 45-degree angle pivoting and stepping patterns
Movements 7-9, (pivoting and stepping patterns)
Session Four - March 14, 2020
Review movements 7-9
Applying 90 degree pivoting and stepping patterns to movements
Extending range of motion overhead
Deepening of spiral movements
Movements 1-9
Session Five - March 21, 2020
Review movements 1-9
Combining movements to form patterns
Developing daily training protocols
Healing and preserving Fascia Connective Tissue for life