Moving Stillness Healing Arts, LLC
Moving Stillness Healing Arts is dedicated to the concept of “Longevity without Frailty,”taking control of your health and being able to live a lifetime of good health and happiness on your terms. You become a partner with your physician instead of a patient. At Moving Stillness we believe the keys to lasting good health throughout your lifetime are physical activity, making a significant part of your diet whole food plant based and controlling stress in your life.
There is no one magic pill that will prevent illness and disease. Moving Stillness has a multifaceted approach that specializes in “Targeted Training Goals” to meet the specific needs of individuals, groups, organizations and agencies. We teach Tai Chi Moving Mindfulness Meditation and Resilience Training, Therapeutic Tai Chi and Qigong as health generating activities that can heal the body, mind and spirit and can be practiced throughout your entire lifetime. Plant Based Diet and Nutrition Counseling and Education teaches us how to eat in a way that nourishes every system and organ in our bodies. This helps us to prevent and heal sickness and disease and maintain optimum health. Our Health Coaching Services help provide support and motivation during difficult times in our lives.
Another important service offered by Moving Stillness is Tai Chi Instructor Enhancement Training. Qualified, well trained Tai Chi Instructors are crucial to teaching the masses how to play an active role in achieving and maintaining good health. Moving Stillness utilizes over thirty seven years of applied Tai Chi knowledge, experience and skills to develop and implement Tai Chi Instructor training programs to help Tai Chi Instructors reach higher levels of Tai Chi knowledge, skills and effectiveness. This translates into a healthier and happier population.