Specialized Workshops and Training


Healing From Trauma

Every technique, pattern and aspect of the program incorporates mind, body and breath. Easy-to-learn modified Tai Chi movements and small patterns help the mind, body and emotions remain calm prior to, during and after traumatic events and memories. This helps develop resistance and resilience to different types of trauma.


Veterans Helping Veterans: Tai Chi Instructor Training Program

Using TCMMMRT for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder  

(Tai Chi Moving Mindfulness Meditation and Resilience Training)

A Training Program to train and certify Veterans as Tai Chi Instructors

What This Program Offers:

To train and certify veterans as TCMMMRT Level one Tai Chi Instructors. Veterans truly understand the mental, physical and emotional anguish that most veterans go through while trying to navigate everyday living. Training in TCMMMRT will first help individuals manage and develop the resilience  to heal from PTSD.  Secondly, being certified as an instructor will give veterans the ability to help other veterans, thereby adding greater meaning and purpose to their lives. 

When a veteran learns Tai Chi from a trained, certified Tai Chi Instructor who is also a veteran, acceptance, trust, enthusiasm, and bonding between teacher and student can be accomplished in a more natural and harmonious way. This stimulates the dedication to practice consistently leading to major mental, physical and emotional health gains. This is a win-win situation