Dan Jones is the owner and founder of Moving Stillness Healing Arts LLC, a training business that teaches and promotes the fluid and graceful art of Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Whole Food Diet and Nutrition Counseling, Food and Wellness Education and Health Coaching Support and Motivational Services. He is a trained Healing Foods Culinary Instructor, and Food and Wellness Educator. He is a board-certified Health Coach accredited with the Association of Drugless Practitioners, the Conscious Gourmet Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Dan is a retired law enforcement officer and security professional with over thirty eight years combined experience. Practical knowledge of the healing aspects of Tai Chi and Qigong combined with nutrition kept Dan from developing stress-related illnesses and PTSD. As a result, Dan created, owns and operates a training and education business that specializes in TCMMMRT (Tai Chi Moving Mindfulness Meditation & Resilience Training) for First Responders, veterans and people employed in high stress and high risk professions. Dan is currently the Tai Chi Research Consultant for Johns Hopkins Medical Center. Working with a team of researchers, he recently completed a nine month, online study teaching TCMMMRT to first responders with PTSD. He is also contracted by the All Clear Foundation to create TCMMMRT video support for Emergency Response personnel nationwide, to improve their wellbeing and life expectancy. He also teaches classes and workshops on Moving Mindfulness Meditation for health and wellness to the public.
He is a Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner as well as Sifu (teacher) of Tai Chi Chuan, Internal Gongfu, and Won Chuen Temple Boxing for over forty years. Dan has extensive experience in teaching specifically for health issues such as PTSD, Arthritis, Shoulder Rehabilitation, Diabetes, Fall Prevention, and Pain Management. He is also a Master Instructor of the Chen, Yang, and Sun styles of Tai Chi, as well as the Five Element Tai Chi Systems.
Sifu Jones has developed numerous Tai Chi forms and programs including:
Longevity Health Programs (Shoulder Rehabilitation with Therapeutic Tai Chi; Healing Fascia Connective Tissue; Pain Management; Therapeutic Tai Chi Foundational Joint Health and Fall Prevention),
Moving Stillness Tai Chi Fan Forms:
Spiraling Earth Dragon Fan Form, Spiraling
Water Dragon Tai Chi Fan Form
Cane Assisted Tai Chi Program
Beginning Tai Chi Cane Program
Heaven and Earth Tai Chi Cane Program
Co-developed Living with the Principles an annual four-day professional development retreat for personal growth in the practice of Tai Chi
Advanced Tai Chi Depth Principles
Silk Reeling Program