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The Yang 24 Tai Chi Cane Form is based on the Yang 24 Form, the most popular system of Tai Chi in the world This cane form was created by Master Wen-Ching Wu. It takes an everyday medical implement and transforms it into a tool for exercise, healing, moving mindful meditation and self-defense all rolled into one.

As an exercise, the Yang 24 Tai Chi Cane cultivates your mind, body and spirit. Practicing Tai Chi movements with the cane helps the practitioner develop the ability to increase Qi flow and extend Qi beyond the hand. This helps the practitioner store and utilize more Qi. As a defensive martial art implement, the Tai Chi cane helps to nurture the Yin side of using the cane for self-defense. The effectiveness of any martial arts system depends on a balance between Yin and Yang.

The Yang 24 Tai Chi Cane form helps develop a calm, focused mind with an expanded, heightened awareness. This enhances your ability to change and adapt to your continually changing, everyday circumstances. You learn to overcome through yielding instead of brute force. The form is safe with comfortable stances and movements designed to provide gentle, gradual improvements in flexibility, strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, posture and balance. Studies show Tai Chi as a leader in fall prevention exercises.

Understanding and learning the Tai Chi principles transcends styles of Tai Chi. The Yang 24 Cane form is a very effective way, for any Tai Chi practitioner of any style, to go deeper into their practice of Tai Chi by applying the principles of Tai Chi through the use of the cane. It’s also a perfect way for martial cane practitioners to greatly enhance their skills by embracing and implementing the concept of Yin and Yang into every aspect of their training.

Instructor: Sifu Dan Jones

Sufi Dan Jones is a Master Tai Ch Chuan and Internal Gongfu Instructor. He is currently the Tai Chi Research Consultant for Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He has over fifty years of experience as a martial arts practitioner including over forty years of Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Won Chuen Temple Boxing and a combined twelve years of Japanese Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Wing Chun Gong Fu and Shoring Ryu Karate.

Sifu Jones is a former Tai Chi for Arthritis and Tai Chi for Diabetes Master Trainer with fifteen years’ experience teaching and certifying TCA and TCD Instructors and thirteen years certifying TCA Instructors for the American Arthritis Foundation from 2002 to 2014. He is the creator of numerous Tai Chi healing programs, including: TCMMMRT (Tai Chi Moving Mindfulness Meditation and Resilience Training). Sifu Jones is a Certified Medical Qigong Holistic Health Practitioner.

Sifu Dan Jones is a retired law enforcement officer. He is the owner and founder of Moving Stillness Healing Arts LLC, a training business that teaches and promotes the fluid and graceful art of Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong, as well as Whole Food Diet and Nutrition Counseling, Food and Wellness Education and Health Coaching support and Motivational Services.

Sifu Dan Jones is a Board-Certified Health Coach accredited with the Association of Drugless Practitioners, the Conscious Gourmet Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

The Program:

• The program is suitable for adults of all ages

• Knowledge of the Yang 24 Form is helpful but not required

• A beginning foundation in any Tai Chi System is a prerequisite

• Teaching will be taught in accordance with the essential principles of Tai Chi Chuan

• Elements of healing, exercise, moving mindful meditation and self-defense is incorporated into every aspect of the training.

• Participants will be taught Tai Chi Cane Silk Reeling Patterns to help incorporate the smooth, flowing movements of the snake and the elegance of the crane into their cane form.

Workshop Logistics:

• This will be a six-part online cane workshop

• The workshop will meet once a month for six months

• Each workshop will be ninety minutes in length

• Four movements will be taught per workshop

• Each participant will receive a practice video approximately one week prior to each workshop to help prepare

• Participants will receive all practice and real-time workshop videos even if unable to attend the real-time workshop